Our 15 station Sporting Clays course travels along the natural terrain of the club's grounds, featuring 30 different clay target presentations that simulate field shooting of game.
The fully automated course utilizes the Long Range TAG System to allow user-friendly convenience.
>The sporting clays is open to MEMBERS-ONLY and their guests.<
HOURS (Member must have a Countdown Card) Tuesdays - Sundays 10:00 a.m. - Dusk Course CLOSED on MONDAYS (Except Holidays)
One Round - 100 targets (includes 20 broken/show birds)
Member with Countdown Card - $35
Countdown Card
Member - $25 (includes access to course Tuesday - Sunday)
Payments Accepted: Cash/Credit/Debit [We DO NOT accept American Express]
A limited number of golf carts are available to rent.
Members - $10/cart
*Members who wish to bring their own cart or ATV must present proof of liability coverage*
ALL membersMUST confirm that they have read the course Rules and Safety Guidelines. Members can print the form and drop off at club OR sign the roster in the clubhouse, next to the kiosk, acknowledging that you have read the rules. Please pay particular attention to Rule # 16 as it pertains to shot size and velocity, as it is imperative that shot not leave the boundary of the Club property!
Members are limited to 3 guests per visit and all must shoot together with the member in one squad
Guests are limited to TWO visits on a member's card. Afterward they must become a member or shoot at the non-member rate.