THURSDAYS 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. (Registration 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.) April 25 July 18 October 17 January 9
These quarterly events will offer a variety of shooting games for all ages and all skill levels. Events like Annie Oakley, One Tie-All Tie, and Knock-Out include an element of skill and a bit of keen strategy so that the "best" shooter isn't always the winning shooter.
At the end of it all is the opportunity to improve your shooting skills, have some fun, win some prizes, and make some new acquaintances.
Other than a zero-tolerance for unsafe gun handling, there will be no rules regarding trash-talking, braggadocio, and rubbing salt into wounded prides.
So, bring a gun, a friend, and a spirit of competitive fun for these Thursday evening events.